Weekend Wrap #80: Press Conference Mash-up Edition

Right off the bat, all apologies for missing the Mid-Week Eye Candy Wrapper. Blame Time Warner Cable and their failure to deliver internet service as the culprit for your lack of T & A. Apparently they knew of the problem when I called and were working on it. That didn’t help much in my quest to bring you links and hot women. So because Time Warner couldn’t get their act together in time I had to skip it. Sorry.

Today’s video is going to deviate from the norm as well. You see, today was the start of the NFL regular season. Oh sure, there was a game on Thursday night but aside from the NFL’s attempt to steal the prime time spotlight strokefest, today was the real start of the NFL season. So in honor of that and the entertaining press conferences we are surely going to see in the coming weeks, here is a mash-up of some of the best moments in press conference history. It was put together by DJ Steve Porter who mixes in some of the classic presser one-liners from Jim Mora’s “playoffs?!?” to Allen Iverson’s “Practice” tirade. If you have seen Sportscenter a few times you will recognize these in an instant. Plus DJ Steve lays down a sweet track underneath that I am sure it could be played at the club and people would dance to it. Thanks to the guys over at NFLJuice.com for discovering this and sharing it. On with this week’s links.

