This edition of the weekend wrap comes a day late due to the birth of my second child this past Thursday. Sure, family comes first but the tailgating news needs to flow as well. I’m sure we’ll have the little guy out tailgating before you know it. In the meantime, here are news stories and blog posts of interest to you tailgaters out there.
- Amnesty International has found a new way to fund raise by tailgating prior to the NDNU lacrosse games.
- A Wisconsin bowling league team has incorporated tailgating into its regular routine of winning championships.
- The Asbury Park Press opines that the PNC Arts Center should ban tailgating at all shows, not just the ones that attract a younger demographic.
- Want to be a delegate at the Democratic National Convention this year? Hold a tailgate party to lure supporters to vote you to go to Denver.
- New York Islander tailgaters get a surprise visit from Garth Snow, Bruno Gervais and broadcasters Howie Rose and Billy Jaffe.