An All Nighter And Jersey Selection

The home team is away, it’s still too early for a cold one (or is it?), so I thought why not share two interesting links I came across this week for some reader feedback.

The first LINK is from my local paper and details the tailgating experience of two brothers.

The article begins with the ordinary tailgating story.  Arrive early at the lot, stuff your face with food, all while drinking and then drinking some more.  The next logical steps are watch the game, sober up and then head home.

Well not in the case of these 2 brothers.  Instead of heading home after the game the Hoffner brothers start the tailgate all over again.  The only difference is that the next event is watched on TV, not live in person.  Oh yeah, the two brothers then spend the night in the parking lot!

Talk about getting your money’s worth for the parking charge!  Anyone else out there go full throttle and do the 24 hour tailgate?!?  Hey, good for the Hoffners and their tailgate.  When it comes to tailgating, I guess there never is too much of a good thing.

As I posted last week, one of my favorite parts of the game / tailgate experience is the different jerseys that fans wear.  The following LINK gives the fan tips for how to go about selecting your next jersey.

I would be in agreement with the post.  If you are going to dish out the cash for a new jersey it is best to go with either a young gun with a bright future or a veteran with a newly singed extension.

Taking a chance on a rookie or a veteran with an uncertain future just means come next season you will be laying down another $80-$100 for a new jersey.  Or as the article points out, you could take the safe route and go with the throw-back jersey!

Any particular rules that you follow when selecting a new jersey?

This fan goes a bit overboard and gets a new jersey every football season regardless of the player returning or not returning.  Selecting from multiple jerseys gives game day an extra twist and the hanging unworn jerseys makes for one hell of a man cave!

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