You may remember last week we announced our ‘Super Bowl Swag Giveaway’ that is only available to Tailgating Ideas subscribers. It’s been a week and we’re ready to give away four official media guides from Super Bowl XLII. If you want more information on exactly what we are giving away, check out the original article we wrote last week. Up first, the rules and instructions on how to win.
1. You must be a subscriber to Tailgating Ideas either via RSS feed or via email. If you have not done that yet you can still be eligible by clicking HERE. It is free and you can always unsubscribe after the prizes are given away.
2. Check your RSS reader or your email. At the bottom of this entry you will see a quote from a famous movie.
3. Send an email to Dave with the EXACT quote included in the body of your email. Also include in your email which of the four media guides you would like to win. Lastly, include in your email your name and address where you want the media guide sent. (Feel free to include any other information about yourself, what you like about the website, risque pictures of your girlfriend, etc.)
4. Deadline to submit your entry is Wednesday, February 13, 2008 by 5 pm Pacific time. Emails timestamped after the deadline will not be accepted.
5. On Wednesday, February 13, 2008 after 5 pm Pacific time we will randomly select four winners to receive the media guides. All submissions will be placed in a hat and will be drawn out by my wife. You will then be notified by email that you won and your prize will be mailed out the next day.
It’s just that easy. The best part is it is free and it will not cost you a dime. We’re footing the bill to mail these prizes out as a thank you to our subscribers. The bad news is that because we’re paying for the shipping, no international subscribers can win. We’re generous and love our loyal readers but we’re not willing to pony up to cover international shipping rates.
Best of luck! If you are a subscriber, the secret quote will appear under this sentence.