It was back in 2007 that we started this tailgating blog and over the years we have received a ton of email. They say there are no dumb questions and that is true but there are a lot of frequently asked questions. Because we are in the age of the Internet and people want things fast, including answer to their questions, we decided to compile a list of questions and answers that are most recently asked of us. We call it the FAQ Page. (Yeah, we know. Not very original.)
There you will find answers to questions like:
- Do you accept guest blog posts?
- I’ve got the latest, greatest, super, fantastic, totally awesome tailgating gadget that you guys just have to know about. Can we send you a sample and you write a product review about it?
- Because we send you a sample of our product does that mean you will give it a thumbs up and say it is as awesome and we think it is?
- Have you ever considered charging a subscription fee and charging people to read it?
- I think I am a good writer and I am knowledgeable about tailgating. How can I come on board and be a regular contributor to
There are other questions and answers in there as well. Give it a read and feel free to suggest other questions that you would like to know about, the writing staff we have compiled or anything else you would like to know.