Welcome Our Newest Contributor: Mary Clark

Mary Clark It was just yesterday that we put out the call that TailgatingIdeas.com was looking to add women contributors to provide a female tailgater’s perspective on here. We have drawn some interest from a few lady tailgaters but in all fairness, our newest contributor, Mary Clark, contacted us a few weeks ago expressing interest in writing for us.

Much like all of us tailgaters, Mary Clark is a sports fan first and a love of tailgating grew from that. Mary is not just a “sports fan”, she’s a Miami Hurricane fan. There is a difference, trust me. If you have ever met a true ‘Canes fan, you know the passion for their team that they bring to the table. Mary is no different but she has taken her passion for the Miami Hurricanes to the next level. She runs her own fan site for the Miami Hurricanes which includes a weekly feature on tailgating, so far featuring tailgating recipes primarily. Her site, eyeofthehurricane.net/wordpress, gives her an outlet to express her spirit and passion for the Miami Hurricanes. Her contributions to TailgatingIdeas.com will bring forward her spirit and passion for tailgating from a woman’s perspective. Here is a brief bio on Mary Clark.

Mary Clark is a double-alumnus from the University of Miami earning both her undergraduate and law degrees from the U. Originally from Missouri, she has stayed in South Florida to practice law, and more importantly, support her beloved ‘Canes. Mary is a co-founder of the alumni club in Palm Beach county, the Palm Beach ‘Canes Club, and co-founder of a fan site, Eye of the Hurricane, supporting the University of Miami and its athletic programs. When asked about the University of Miami and what it means to her, Mary can only quote the great Ed Reed and say, “What does it mean to be a ‘Cane? It’s my life man, it’s my life.”

Join me in welcoming Mary Clark to the TailgatingIdeas.com family of contributors. Keep an eye out for posts and articles written by Mary soon.