Spin Chill Kickstarter Campaign

Chill Bit in Ice chest
Nowadays if you want your small business to get off the ground, forging a Kickstarter campaign is the preferred method to get some much needed funding. It seems as though going to the bank and asking for a business loan is passe compared to crowd sourcing and using the power of social media. Small companies that have a product that would be great for tailgating are no different.

Last month we reviewed a tailgating gadget called the Chill Bit made by a company called Spin Chill. If you didn’t read the review, it is an attachment that fits one end onto the top of a can or a bottle, the other end into your cordless drill chuck and spins it in ice for about a minute to get it ice cold. We liked it so much that we decided to offer the Chill Bit in our online tailgating gear store.

Now comes the next innovation from Spin Chill called the Beerouette. The Beerouette is the same concept of the Chill Bit but automates the process into a handy little tool that can fit into your pocket. Check out their Kickstarter campaign video below for more info.

Spin Chill is looking for an investment of $10,000 to get their company and products off the ground and it looks like they will get there. As of this evening, Spin Chill had 266 backers who have pledged $8,586 of the $10,000 goal. There are still 20 days to go before this campaign ends so if you want to be in on the ground floor, now is the time to get involved before it gets fully funded.

The Spin Chill Kickstarter campaign can be found here.