Hate Evite? Try Pingg For Your Next Tailgate Party

I have been very fortunate that every time I get a link from Jimmy or Mallory over at Sports Illustrated there is a surge in traffic. A small byproduct of that traffic is normally an increase in emails from people informing me of new products and services on the market that can help your average tailgater. Last week I was fortunate to get linked to twice from SI and I received an email letting me know about a new website. It’s called Pingg.com and it could be very useful in planning your next tailgate party.

Most of us are pretty familiar with the electronic invite system Evite. Even though you have heard of and probably used Evite doesn’t mean it is the only game in town. Many people don’t like Evite and there is a growing backlash to using Evite. An anti-Evite website called EviteSucks.com has popped and they document their frustrations with Evite.  The backlash is so far reaching that even Time Magazine named Evite one of the 5 worst websites.

Whether you agree that Evite sucks or not, Pingg offers us tailgaters an alternative. Pingg doesn’t use lame clip art, you don’t have to click out of the email to finally get to the invitation and all the information is provided directly in the email for your guests to view. If they click to the webpage they can view even more info like pictures, YouTube clips, Google maps, guest comments, etc. Like Evite, Pingg is free and you can even upload your own image if you don’t find one on there you like better.

Now if you are a dedicated tailgater and go to every game and tailgate, I would still recommend Tailgate Haven to plan and organize all your guests and invitation lists.  But if you are planning a single tailgate party, Pingg might be a nice alternative to the same old Evite. It’s free so it could be worth a shot. Who knows, you just might like Pingg better.
