Back in 2009, we first discovered Tailgate Beer. Since first taking a sip of Blacktop Blonde we have been big fans of this craft beer in a can. Not only does Tailgate Beer support tailgating and the tailgate party lifestyle but they make some pretty damn good beer which is really the whole point.
Tailgate Beer started in San Diego as a craft brew but has been expanding to other parts of the country. Unfortunately Tailgate Beer is not found everywhere but they are trying to change that. That is where you come in.
The folks at Tailgate Beer have traditionally worked with local tailgate crews to help build some organic market-presence. By teaming up with prominent tailgating groups in the local areas, Tailgate Beer has been able to expose other tailgaters to their beer. In light of their new distribution footprint heading into the 2013 football season, Tailgate Beer has some states and areas that they are currently distributed in, but do not have crews to work with yet.
If you are a member of a tailgating crew or know of someone that is a member of a tailgating crew for the following teams and/or areas of the country, the folks at Tailgate Beer would like to hear from you. Areas and tailgating fans of the following teams are:
Seattle Seahawks
Chicago Bears
University of Minnesota
Philadelphia Eagles
University of Wisconsin
Michigan: University of Michigan, Michigan State and Detroit Lions
Northeast: New England Patriots, New York Jets and New York Giants
If you think you or someone you know meets the criteria Tailgate Beer is looking for to help them spread the word about Tailgate Beer, contact them HERE. Who knows what they have in mind. It might be providing your tailgate crew with free beer or banners or possibly something else. You’ll have to contact them directly and find out more details and also share with the folks at Tailgate Beer why you would be a good choice to represent their beer in your area.